Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sad, sad fucking weekend.........

Well we had to put our baby, Dino, down Saturday morning. She had stopped eating, was passing blood and we couldn't stand to see her suffer any longer. She gave us such a happy life while she was in it and I can't thank her enough for all she did for me. She gave us a special gift in Molly, her puppy. It was so sad to watch as the doctor administered the shot and you could just see in her eyes as she left us. When we took her to the cemetery for cremation, as we pulled in a coyote ran in front of our car and ran to the building we were going to. It waited till we arrived and just looked at us and ran off but all the time it was running it kept looking at us. It was like a sign that Dino was telling us she was all better and not to worry................

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Missing a part!!!!

Well, it's been a week since the GallBlabber surgery and starting to feel a little better. Still feels like I got bitch punched in the stomach a few hundred times though. I'm in recovery and I'm out like a light and all I can hear is "JOE, Wake up, Joe wake up!!!" I open my eyes and the first thing they ask me is "Joe, your heart beat is abnormally low, do you have a problem that we don't know about?" I'm now freaking out and then they ask "Do you do alot of excercising?" I grogally told them that I MTB and Kickbox and they all seemed a bit releaved and told me I have the "Heart of an Athelete"!!! I guess it all pays off, wouldn't know that with this damn spare tire around my waist though!!! But back to work tomorow and that's going to be so weird since I wasn't there when the accident occured . I feel so sorry for Gail, she was such a sweet lady. I really wanted to go to the veiwing and funeral but she was layed at the funeral home my Dad was and that would of opened up a whole emotional can of worms I just don't want to deal with. I will pay my respects privatly at her site soon. My oldest dog, Dino, is about on her last leg and it's so sad to watch how she has deteriated in the last month or so. We've had her to the vet a couple times in the last few months for blood work ad they found nothing. But she just stands and stares in space and will do that and almolst pass out doing it. She's going back and getting checked out. So sad, I really love her........

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year.........BIOTCH!!!!!!

Well another has come and gone...big year thought. This one found me with a close call with me breaking my ankle and almost freezing to F'ing death back in Febuary when I crashed on my MTB on a night ride,by myself,dumb!!!! I gained 25 pounds since the crash and still trying to lose it and try to get back what little speed I had.......wait till next spring. Then our company being bought out and losing our fully paid medical!!! But the best thing was when the Court of Appeals decide that Watt's has to spend the rest of his life in prison by denying his appeal....SWEET!!!! That was 2006!!! Now for 2007...started back to kick boxing full steam and doing the 2 classes a week with a little bit of pain but I'm working through it. I'm going to try and ride there and back to class every chance I get. Did it last thursday and got fucking pulled over by Westlands finest when I guy ran a stop sign and I had to swerve out into the street to avoid getting smeared and the next thin g I know he lights me up telling me to get out of the street...SHEESH!!!! Then Monday I go in to have my GallBlabdder taken out..another week off of any form of exercise!!!! But really looking forward to May when we go to NY to do the "5 Boroughs Bike Race", now that's going to be sweet!!!! Then I'm spear heading the "Ride of Silence for Detroit this year and hope that goes off with out a hitch!!!! We'll I'll let ya know if I survived the surgery by posting up.........
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