Thursday, November 30, 2006

Lazy MotherFucker

No fucking excuses except just fucking lazy!!!! It's been well over 3 months and there's been some stuff. I took a class on how to self publish a book and now all I have to do is finish writting it.(LAZY) I've been not feeling so well the last couple of months, I feel like something is growing in my right side and there's no real pain just an uncomfortable feeling. Latley I've been getting a lot of gas and some stomach pains after I eat so I'm thinking gallbladder. I had a kidney scan- normal, blood work for signs of cancer-normal, I had an organ cat skan-waiting on results and I go friday for a Gallbladder HIDA. It sure is weighing heavy on my mind since I turn 50 in a week. But on to more fun things like..............The 3rd Annual "Hodaddy's Holiday Hines Hump" which will be held Friday December 8th and right after the ride back to the Hodaddy crib for a Holiday/birthday party featuring "The SpokeDrunkies" for your listening enjoyment. Hope the weather is decent for it and there's a good turnout. Talk to ya soon.
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